

"To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."(NIV) Colossians 1:27

Christianity is the vivacious life of Christ in a person. When we become Christians, it means our lives have been surrendered to the full authority of Christ. He takes His rightful place in our hearts and we become places of abode for God’s spirit.

This means we cannot do just anything with the body we possess. The life we live becomes a supernatural life. That does not mean that we cannot be angry with others for doing the wrong thing. It simply means that we have the POWER TO CONTROL OUR ANGER.

As born again Christians with the life of God in us, we have the ability to forgive those who offend us as well as the opportunity to do good to others. We have the chance to Love others beyond our anger. We have what it takes to avoid entirely things that can provoke anger and hurt the people around us.

If we come to terms with this very important truth about our Christian life, I can assure you that, life will better than we perceive. I am a living testimony to this truth. However, it does not make me the perfect person but one who has and is experiencing this truth.

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