

"Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible to me but I will not be mastered by anything.”. (NIV) 1 Corinthians 6: 12, 10: 23

Christians are the special people of God, the holy nation, people called to glorify God’s name (1 Peter 2:9). As Christians, we therefore have to keep in mind this privilege given to us. We cannot behave as people of the world (people who do not have Christ).

And although all Christians are special people in God’s kingdom, some have been chosen to lead God’s flock in divers’ ways. We cannot afford to sabotage God’s work with a careless way of living even though He has given us the free will. Others may take the advantage of the free will and fail to do what God requires of them but we cannot. We have been given a higher calling, a calling that requires total surrender of worldly pressures for the sake of the cross we have chosen to carry. Trailing such a course will disappoint and even discourage other believers because they look up to us.

It is therefore imperative to live to the standard of this higher calling as a Child of God. We cannot afford to let our guard down. We have the right to do everything but NOT ALL ARE CONSTRUCTIVE FOR US as CHRISTIANS.

For us to be active and indispensable in God’s kingdom, then we must WALK with this principle daily: OTHERS MAY BUT I CAN’T.

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