A Controlled Life

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls” (NIV) Prov. 25:28.

There are so many factors that ensure a system works. Among all the factors, a command or control centre is the engine for success. Humans have been placed among a whole wide range of items and activities that compete for our time and attention. Humanity keeps on losing control of our lives and purposes but want to control others.

To have self-control as Christians, we must first realize what is out of control in our lives. Self-control is the management of our desires by the spirit to fulfil God’s purposes. Most of the time, identifying the problem in a disorder is the greatest challenge. However, for humanity, the major thing that is out of control in our lives is our desires. A life that is centred on fleshly desires is a life that is out of control. That was the challenge in the lives of Adam and Eve at the beginning of humans. We have a strong desire for what is not right before our maker.

It is disturbing to identify a problem and realize how helpless you are in finding a solution to it. This calls for the question, who is in control of the universe? Although many have created theories, nothing can challenge the fact that Almighty God is the creator, sustainer, and controller of the universe. God has assured us of assistance including the power to exercise self-control when we call upon Him (Matt. 11:28).

How do we practice self-control as children of God? Jesus said, without me, you can achieve nothing. Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are our sources of power to control our fleshly and carnal thinking and practices. The Spirit can never win the war against the flesh unless the Holy Spirit is the commander.

Remember, the only reason why we must control ourselves is to fulfil God’s purposes (Rom 11:36). God wants us to practice self-control in our lives so that we will not be dominated by our sinful desires and so that we will fulfil His great purposes for our lives. No matter how far you have lost control of your spiritual and physical life, God can help you get back on track. Only God can help you control your life, seek Him.

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