Angels on Earth

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

"Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful." (NKJV) Luke 6:36

The expression, “angels on earth” is used to describe someone who unexpectedly becomes a source of inspiration and support at a time when you need it most ( Many of us may have experienced these angelic people at least once in our lives. How wonderful will it be to have Christians as angelic humans on earth? How can one be an angelic human?

“Prayer box” is a movie about a thirteen-year-old whose little sister has a terminal illness. So he thought that if he worked in the church by cleaning and then answers the prayer requests that have been dropped in the prayer box by individuals, God will notice his sister and then heal her. So tirelessly, he worked and provided the answers to the prayer requests without the people on the receiving end knowing and this revived a dying church because hope and faith were restored in the congregation. I was moved by the smiles on the faces of those who testified to their prayers being answered. I was also moved by the fact that a thirteen-year-old desperate boy could even come up with such an idea. And God did notice him, he lost his sister but God gave him a bigger and a loving family in the church.

As Christians, we can be angelic if we are observant, friendly and show compassion. In our little corner, (in our neighborhood, class, workplace, church etc.) it is important to be that person who can be approached easily. Many people are not looking for material help but someone to just talk to in their darkest moment-those who cannot come to you can be helped through keen observations and lending that help. Those who require material help that is within our means must be helped even without them asking and those who require help that goes beyond us can still be helped by contacting a friend who knows a friend who can help. I believe God will definitely notice us if we put ourselves out to be angels on earth. God bless you.

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