Marriage in the sight of God

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will cleave to his wife. And they will be one flesh. (NIV) Genesis 2:24

Marriage is the basics of society and was created by God from the beginning of life at the Garden of Eden. Marriage was then ideal and working according to God's plan. Ideal marriage is feasible if people who wants to marry or married couples will appreciate and practice the innovator of marriage (i.e. God’s) manual.

God created marriage to be an inseparable union of one man and one woman to glorify God and complement each other. Christian marriage is an ultimate commitment to an opposite gender but not between people of the same sex. Currently, there is so much pressure on marriage from society that, it is scaring some people away from it whiles others think it’s unnecessary to “imprison” oneself in marriage. Some are seeing marriage as the smallest “cell” or “prison” for anybody to enter.

Marriage is like a school, those who are willing to learn and practice its principles will come out successful. Marriage is like a bank account, you can only get to spend what you deposited or saved as investment. If all people will invest positively in marriage, the results will more likely be awesome and fantastic. Many people are thinking ideal marriage is not possible now, perhaps, because of what society portrays. Indeed, ideal marriages have their fair share of challenges and difficult times but if one chooses to only rely on wholesale cultural practices without considering the Bible (divine instructions), it will become a great struggle to maintain an ideal marriage.

Ideal marriages will create happiness, companionship, unit society, eliminate homeless or street children and reduce crime rate in the world. Let us view ideal marriage as was ordained by its creator (God). We can actually produce, maintain and project ideal marriage if we forego our own way and decide to go God’s way. That is God’s expectations and is highly achievable by the empowerment of God with the right attitude. May the Holy Spirit empower those already married to portray God in their marriages and those yet to enter to prepare to go God’s way. Amen!

Marriage as God would have it (Conclusion) || More

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