The days are evil

Written by Alhassan Mohammed Sandargo.

"Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. "(NIV) Ephesians 5:15-16

It is never a celebration at all to see a person backslide. Drifting from the Lord is an experience that sometimes befalls many. Strangely enough, this unfortunate occurrence can happen to any person in the faith- novice and veteran alike. But by the encouraging lyrics of the song by S. Sundar Singh, we can also say: “I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back, no turning back”.

There is never a good reason to forsake the Lord. Some reasons, however, have caused many to drift away from the Lord. The days are indeed evil.

Sometimes people are expectant of financial riches when they pledge their allegiance to the Lord. And there are preachers who give such empty promises to woo followers after them. This may definitely lead to disappointment since we are told that godliness must not be seen as a way of making financial gain (1Timothy 6:3-6). There are many today, who also peddle the word of God (2Corinthians 2:7) but end up piercing themselves with much sorrow (1Timothy 6:10).

Inquisitiveness has also landed many on the wrong side. I have heard many who mention that obeying God should not be exclusive. Some are still not convinced that what God has given is just enough. People still expect something new apart from the Bible. From one prayer camp to the other, and from one famous man of God to the other, we betray the Lord Jesus. Some may be consulting spirits for future predictions. But are we doing right before the Lord? Are we not provoking the Lord instead? (1Corinthians 10:22).

Power and fame have also overthrown the faith of many. Being idolized or elevated by fellow humans above God could be quite misleading. In 1John 1:9, Diotrephes is mentioned to fall prey to these dangers- he desired to be superior among all others in order to usurp over them. Even the apostles of the Lord Jesus were careful with the use of the powers and ministry given them. The apostles rather urged and encouraged others to love the Lord and to willingly make personal and godly decisions (1Corinthians 16:12-16). James in his writing cautioned those who had other motives to be teachers. (James 3:1).

These observations and dangers are never far from any one of us. Thus, let's hold fast to the Lord and never leave room for any of these menaces lest we fall (1Corinthians 10:12). Stay connected to Jesus- He can make you stand (Romans 14:4).

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