Be A Fruitful Vineyard

Written by Christopher Opey Tetteh.

Bible Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7

It's very pathetic how man repays God's unfailing love with unfaithfulness and wickedness. Although we know He is the greatest artisan behind this wonderful universe that we live in, we don't glorify and exalt Him as such (Romans 1:21). Rather, we become vain in our imaginations and our hearts are often darkened with evil.

It's very disappointing and painful when a farmer tills the land and his expectation of bountiful harvest is not reached but rather his crops and vines bear not much fruit for him to gain from his toil. God redeemed us from this corrupt and crooked generation with a pool of sin and brought us into His light and vineyard (Kingdom). His loving heart towards us devised a redemptional means to save us through Jesus Christ and this plan has been revealed to us through His Word (2 Corinthians 5:18, John 3:16). However, many do not value this redemption and often turned to their wicked ways. Just like the above scenario, God must be disappointed.

Furthermore, God provides us with all we need for a fruitful and functional life, but when we reject Him and abandon His way, our lives become unmanageable, unfruitful, and dysfunctional. He protects His vineyard (us) from predators, thorns, bad weeds, etc. Therefore, if we desire a normal and healthy life, we can ask God for His aid and turn our lives over to Him. With God's help, our lives will bear fruits (sweet juicy grapes) that is pleasing to God.

Now, I will encourage all to meditate on these questions to assess our fruitfulness in God’s vineyard:

Are we bearing fruit as Christians?

Do we glorify God as our Creator?

Are we that light and salt of the world?

If we answer no to any of these questions, the right time to make the change is now. Let's be a fruitful vineyard.

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