Where there is no control

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“So the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” (NKJV) Gen 4:6-7

It is interesting to observe that everything in this world is somehow connected to another in a controlled way to form an organized system. A good example is an ecosystem and if there is no control, the whole system collapses. Control mechanisms are very important if we are to properly develop our lives in every dimension. When controls are missing, our lives become more difficult, unfulfilling and a failure.

How organized our lives are is a manifestation of the level of control we have. The dignity and respect, we earn are dependent on the level of controls we exercise in our public and private lives. The demonstration of a good work ethic, and possibly our lifetime ability to earn a decent income, may be facilitated by the level of control we exhibit.

Most of the challenges we face in life can be linked to a lack of self-control. Many are suffering from serious spiritual difficulties, addictions and other health challenges due to lack of self-control. People are running into serious financial crises because they have no control over their spending habits. Beloved, if we underestimate the impact of personal discipline in our daily lives, we do that at our own cost.

A well-controlled life is a primary factor in shaping who we are and who we will become. If you are not ready to submit your life to physical and spiritual controls, the consequences will be terrible to bear. It will be very difficult to succeed as a Christian, in our business, marriage, family and studies. In fact, living without self-control only destroys yourself and the people you love.

We all need to control every aspect of our lives especially, our thoughts, eyes, emotions, speech, words, time and our bodies (1 Cor 6:19). Let us accept responsibility for our actions or inactions, change our environment if need be and seek God through prayers and studying His word to help us control our lives. We all need to learn that we need to put our lives under God’s control, and when we do, we will be blessed now and for eternity.

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