
"Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song."(NIV) Psalm 95:2

Dorothy and James had a misunderstanding which ended in a serious argument. It turned out that Dorothy felt insulted by James’s attitude. She was very hurt and needed to let out that ANGER building from within. She acted swiftly by abandoning the place of argument but her feeble mind could not settle on the matter other than forcing her to think aloud on her way home.

She wondered why their discussion had turned into an argument and even felt hurt the more. The heartache was too much; she needed to talk to someone. Dorothy had forgotten she has an advocate. Along the way, she saw a billboard with the inscription: “HE CARES”. Immediately, she remembered she can talk to God in prayer. She gathered courage and with the resurgent rage, she poured her pain and bitterness out to God in prayer. Before she could end with Amen, it dawned on her the sudden feeling of relief, “whoops, it feels good to talk to you, oh GOD! I nearly lost my sense of reasoning by allowing myself to be blinded by my anger”; she muttered this words.

In life, we are always get saddened by peaceful discussions that end up in pretty rough arguments. Our hearts ache like that of Dorothy but we have a God who cares so much about us. His arms are wide opened welcoming us to come to Him with our heavy laden and He will give us rest (peace of mind). When we get irritated by the actions of others, He desires that we stop at His office (prayer) to cool off our anger. He feels hurt when we wonder about trying to settle our own problems. Let’s seize the opportunity to cool off in prayer before we end up hurting the very people we care about. When angry, talk to God and give Him thanks.

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