
At the foot of the Cross

Written by Alhassan Mohammed Sandargo.

"Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene."(NIV) John 19:25

It was a day full of diverse activities: some became mockers and others made ‘good use’ of their military whips, some got into gossip and others thought they were serving God (especially the chief Priests and Pharisees). On the other side, were those who felt genuine pain for the innocent Christ as well as those who thought they were only experiencing something in a mere dream- it was just unbelievable to them (for example the apostles).

Mary, the mother of Jesus, had known Him even before He was born through a divine message sent by Angel Gabriel. She had lived with Jesus all His childhood and youth and had seen how different Jesus was from the other children. As a mother, Mary had a very strong faith in Jesus, her first son. His first public miracle (John 2:11) was triggered by a confident trust and request from His mother. But nowhere is Jesus, hanging helplessly on the cruel cross to reconcile the world to God.

Though in pain, Jesus continued to teach by example the value of true relationship and repentance. He said to His mother and beloved apostle John, “Dear woman, behold your son” and “Here is your mother” (John 19:26-27). He made time for all who availed themselves. Unique among them is the thief on the cross who called Jesus, Lord and accepted full responsibility for his sins (Luke 23:39-42). A sudden but genuine change in attitude made all the difference for this man- he ended up in Paradise with Jesus that same night (Luke 23:43).

At the foot of the cross were indeed countless blessings and favors. Today, we are blessed the more by the resurrection of Christ. Sadly though, many at the crucifixion grounds missed so great a favor because of their beliefs and attitudes. And what about us today? The Savior’s bleeding and loving feet are available to us. Our attitude will make the difference. Lord, please help us.

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