
Relationship with God

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.


"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” (NIV) Genesis 3:8-9

In the physical world, your success or failure largely depends on your relationships. The people you know and how intimate the relationship is will lead to many revelations and information that can actually transform your life in any direction.

The divine plan of Jehovah is to always connect with his creation. Jehovah had a real relationship with the first couple he created in the Garden of Eden by visiting and chatting with them. (Gen. 3:8-9). Unfortunately, human relationship with Jehovah has been taken over by “religious” programs and festivals. Some Christians even believe that engaging in many religious programs is equivalent to intimacy with Jehovah.

Nothing in this life should replace our personal relationship with Jehovah, our maker. In all we do, we must have a moment with the Almighty Jehovah in private meditation. So many things are now competing for our attention as humans, especially to Jehovah. Many are now jumping from one congregation of believers to another, one faith to the other and from different "men and women" of God all in the hope of achieving a breakthrough in life. Breakthrough in life comes from Jehovah who many have no relationship with or no time for him. God through covenant relationship knows his children and cater for them (John 1:13)

Many people now acting right for the wrong reasons. Some are now attending church services, giving alms and praying because of some fear put in them but not because they know God, love him and want to obey him. Our outward behavior should be based on Jehovah and our obedience to him alone. Do you know God and have a real relationship with him? Knowing Jehovah and having a relationship with him will lead us to understand who He is, what He does, what He can do, His expectations of humans and His direction for our lives.

Jehovah wants to have a real relationship with you as your Creator. What are you waiting for? Connect to Him now through his word (Bible) to know the Creator of life and develop a relationship with him.

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