
Marriage is still God's idea (II)

Written by Philip Addo Bempong.

"For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (NIV) Genesis 2:24

…continuation of Marriage is still God's idea (I)

Marriage is still a good idea, YES, it is, because it's God's idea. He created, designed, established and ordained it and defined its parameters, Contrary to many contemporary thoughts and teachings, marriage is not a human or worldly concept. Mankind did not simply dream up marriage somewhere down the line as a convenient way of handling relationships and responsibilities between man and woman or dealing with childbearing and parenting issues. Marriage is of a divine origin.

One important truth about marriage is that God established it as the fundamental element of human society. While the family is the foundation of any healthy society, marriage is the foundation of the family. Marriage is the fundamental of all institutions that predates all other institutions. Before nations or governments, churches, schools or businesses, there was the family and before the family there was marriage.

I have not lived for so long and also don't know much about machines, but I have never seen any new machine without a manual from the manufacturer. Once, I asked why those papers were always in the box of machines and I was told it’s the only way the manufacturer can communicate his intents as to how to operate the machine and the dangers of its use. So, by following the manual, the user can attain uttermost satisfaction from the use of the machine.

The same applies to marriage. For marriages to thrive, we need to consult the manufacturer (God) and follow his manual (the Holy Bible). It is so sad seeing Christian couples dragging their marriage issues to non-Christians. It is so heart-aching seeing some couples handling their marriages without any fear of God or his directions. This has an influence on the younger generation (children) as they enter marriage with wrong perception, mentality and assumptions, thereby ending their marriages on “battlegrounds”.

Beloved, it falls on us as Christians to regularly consults God in our plans for marriage, during our marriage and parenting so that we can radiate God’s true intents about marriage to our children, society and the entire world. Amen! God bless you!

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