
The victory song

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

“…You are my hiding place, you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory” (NLT) Psalm 32:7

Bible readings: Psalm 18, Psalm 118:15, Psalm 98:1

We all want to have a victory song at the end of the day, month, or year for so many reasons. Whilst some of us want to show forth how well we have done over the period, others would like to use that as a measure of the Lord’s goodness.

No matter the reason, it is indeed the best healing balm for any awkward experience the soul might have been subjected to over time. Many of us, unfortunately, don’t want to go through what it takes to get this healing balm (Victory song) for the soul. We really wished every experience will be rosy and perfect filled with beautiful songs. On the contrary, every experience can’t always be rosy and perfect but it can all be filled with beautiful songs.

I know you are wondering how a person who has lost every hope and is disappointed in life will get a victory song. And how will it sound like? More especially for someone whose life turned out differently after all the effort and time invested in achieving success. After all the trusting in God principles implemented, he or she still doesn’t see headway in life. How do you expect such a person to lift his or her head and see a coming victory song or better still find the strength to sing it? Surely this is a difficult moment for every believer. But it is also the best opportunity for any believer with a Christ-centered mind and attitude (Philippians 2: 5 -11, Luke 22:42, Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:36) will take for a breakthrough.

For when the trusting is too difficult, so will the victory song be sweeter to the tongue and pleasing to the ears. When the waiting gets longer, so will the roots of our faith be deepened and our faith itself refined more and more to the purest form of gold; and our victory songs clearer as crystals and melodious to the heart of men. When the challenges get tougher so will our trust in God be stronger and our total dependence on him assured. And together our songs shall be nearer my Lord to thee, blessed assurance Jesus is mine, all to Jesus I surrender.

Beloved brethren, the times are perilous and we as Christians must not let go. We ought to hold on for our songs of victory. And whether we get to sing it here on earth or far beyond the yonder, it beholds on all of us to ensure the victory song of the Lord is heard. Some never get to sing theirs but in death, we remember their victory songs: be it victory over sin, fear, anguish, low self-esteem, poverty, sickness, failure etc. we hear it all and we help them sing of it every day.

Today the Lord is calling on us all who in one way or the other have the intention of giving up or better still have given in to doubt. Gird your loins and stand firm in the faith. Get rid of all malice and any sin that so easily entangles you and put your trust in the Lord. Let the root of your faith be deepened in his love and when the storms of life are over, you will surely be singing your victory song. You can boldly say, yes the experience was so harsh, and not perfect but it’s indeed filled with beautiful songs of praise to God for his faithfulness.

Inventory taking  || More

Remember me

Written by Daily Inspirer Team.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (NIV) Romans 5:8

"Remember Me" is the title of one popular movie about a young man who sacrificed his life to bring about change in the lives of the people around him. Though, his sacrifice cannot be compared to the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, he was always remembered. Those whose lives where affected, changed their old unhealthy and fearful ways for the better. In their own ways, they showed appreciation for the sacrifice of the young man.

A much better account of sacrifice can be found in the bible (John 18 - 19). God did not spare His only son (Jesus) but gave Him up to be crucified for the salvation of mankind (Romans 8:32). His son (Jesus) accepted to go through these pain and suffering not because we deserved that (Romans 5:8), but He was hopeful that we will remember this act of Love and make a change in our lives. Perhaps, this is not the first time you have heard the message of the sacrifice of Jesus. Well, what did you do about it? Acts 17:30 says; in the past God overlooked our ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent. Repentance is the act that signifies that we have changed from our old sinful ways and ready to accept the righteous way of our Lord Jesus. By this, we accept to be buried with Him in baptism and be raised from the dead into a new life (Colossians 2:12). 1 Peter 1:23 says for we are born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. What else can we ask for?

Beloved, lets make it a resolution to remember the sacrifice of Jesus always. That is, we remember Him not only in our minds but in our way of life. If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour through baptism, the time is now (Hebrews 3: 15-19). You can contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for assistance. God bless you.

The victory song || More

The victory song

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

“…You are my hiding place, you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory” (NLT) Psalm 32:7

Bible readings: Psalm 18, Psalm 118:15, Psalm 98:1

We all want to have a victory song at the end of the day, month, or year for so many reasons. Whilst some of us want to show forth how well we have done over the period, others would like to use that as a measure of the Lord’s goodness.

No matter the reason, it is indeed the best healing balm for any awkward experience the soul might have been subjected to overtime. Many of us, unfortunately, don’t want to go through what it takes to get this healing balm (Victory song) for the soul. We really wished every experience will be rosy and perfect filled with beautiful songs. On the contrary, every experience can’t always be rosy and perfect but it can all be filled with beautiful songs.

I know you are wondering how a person who has lost every hope and is disappointed in life will get a victory song. And how will it sound like? More especially for someone whose life turned out differently after all the effort and time invested in achieving success. After all the trusting in God principles implemented, he or she still doesn’t see headway in life. How do you expect such a person to lift his or her head and see a coming victory song or better still find the strength to sing it? Surely this is a difficult moment for every believer. But it is also the best opportunity for any believer with a Christ centered mind and attitude (Philippians 2: 5 -11, Luke 22:42, Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:36) will take for a breakthrough.

For when the trusting is too difficult, so will the victory song be sweeter to the tongue and pleasing to the ears. When the waiting gets longer, so will the roots of our faith be deepened and our faith itself refined more and more to the purest form of gold; and our victory songs clearer as crystals and melodious to the heart of men. When the challenges get tougher so will our trust in God be stronger and our total dependence on him assured. And together our songs shall be nearer my Lord to thee, blessed assurance Jesus is mine, all to Jesus I surrender.

Beloved brethren, the times are perilous and we as Christians must not let go. We ought to hold on for our songs of victory. And whether we get to sing it here on earth or far beyond the yonder, it beholds on all of us to ensure the victory song of the Lord is heard. Some never get to sing theirs but in death we remember their victory songs: be it victory over sin, fear, anguish, low self-esteem, poverty, sickness, failure etc. we hear it all and we help them sing of it every day.

Today the Lord is calling on us all who in one way or the other have the intention of giving up or better still have given in to doubt. Gird your loins and stand firm in the faith. Get rid of all malice and any sin that so easily entangles you and put your trust in the Lord. Let the root of your faith be deepened in his love and when the storms of life are over, you will surely be singing your victory song. You can boldly say, yes the experience was so harsh, and not perfect but it’s indeed filled with beautiful songs of praise to God for his faithfulness.

It's time || More

It's time

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

“To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (KJV) Ecclesiastes 3: 1

Beloved brethren in the Lord, I have a few quick questions to ask. How long have you been waiting on the Lord? How fervent has your prayer been? How much have you cried out to him? How persistent are your requests? How often do you listen to God speak? How much are you singing to God?

As the year unfolds to its end, many among us are joyous for many answered prayers, others rejoice too over the few ones. Nonetheless, many others have their hope dashed with a lot of no’s and inappropriate responses to their requests.

Those of us with unanswered prayers may want to know why? But let’s remember God owes us no explanations. He is Lord God Almighty. He knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. For this reason, He does whatever pleases Himself.

So, what’s next? Must the next year suffer the same routine? What must you do differently to catch heaven’s attention?

Whatever your case may be, whether with an answered prayer or not, it is time to cry out more from the rooftop. It is time to celebrate our God for who He is and not for what we can get from him.

Oh yes, it’s time to pray more fervently and to seek God’s face closely. It’s time to persist in prayer. That is to pray until something happens. Beloved in the Lord, you have a birthright from the Lord. You are the adopted child of the Most High and you have every access to what our Lord Jesus promised you. In fact, there is a commanded blessing over you.

And for that matter, you must know the seasons. It is time to hope again. It is time to listen more closely to what God is whispering to you at night. Let it be known during the day. It is time to walk in newness of life and to make your calling and election into the kingdom sure.

It’s time to sing in season and out of season. Whether you are happy or not; Whether you have been blessed or not; Whether your prayer is answered or not; Whether you feel loved or not by God; Whether you have waited fervently in prayer or not. Beloved, it is time!

It’s time to let go of the hurt, the pain, the disappointment, the depression, the struggles, the complaints etc. And to rest peacefully in God’s abundant love and praise.

It’s time to choose to believe God, to catch faith once more and to simply trust in Him. IT IS TIME TO TAKE HIM AT HIS WORD! May His name be praised forever and ever! Amen!

The best of appreciation || More

The best of appreciation

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, ‘Son, go, work today in my vineyard.’ He answered and said, ‘I will not,’ but afterward he regretted it and went. Then he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, ‘I go, sir,’ but he did not go. Which of the two did the will of his father? (ESV) Matthew 21:28-31

When it gets to December and during special occasions in the year, oral appreciation floods the media. It is as if we only remember to show appreciation during special occasions created by the church, the community or the world as a whole. Be ready to read and listen to lots of wonderful words of praise and appreciation from now till January next year.

There is a saying that “action speaks louder than words”. I believe it is true and it’s a message from God (James 1:22, Matthew 21:28-31). What does God require of us as Christians and people created by God? We are to live our lives to praise God every moment of our lives. Just saying thank you Lord always and living lives unworthy of our maker (God) is just not enough. It is what we do and say that carries weight but not what we only say. If you accept God as your creator and protector, live for him.

The best form of appreciation we can give our maker is faithfully living lives worthy of Him no matter the circumstances. It is good and imperative to give praise to God but is best if we live wholly and faithfully for God every moment of our lives. Amen!

Thanking God through positive attitude  || More

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