
God of the Storm

Written by Myles MacMillan.

Our scripture reading today is one of the shorter Psalms in the Bible but even so, packs a powerful message. As you are reading through this Psalm, try to imagine that you have no prior knowledge of God or who He is.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 29

In the reading, David is witnessing a mighty and powerful storm complete with rain, thunder and lightning. David, being a spiritually focused man, is able to recognize the power of God at work in the storm as it tears apart mighty cedar trees and makes the mountains shake to their foundations. In his writing, David draws comparisons between the power of the storm and the power of God and acknowledges Him as the source in the power of the storm.

This Psalm got me thinking about the power of God and what our response should be to that power. After pondering this, it seems clear that how we view the power of God really depends on what kind of relationship we have with Him, and Deuteronomy 28 does a good job of illustrating this. In verses 1-14, Moses explains how God will bless His people if they follow all of His commands, but in verses 15-68, he explains how God will curse them if they do not follow His commands. In Psalm 29, we see that God is all powerful and in Deuteronomy 28, we see that God can either use that power to bless those who are obedient to Him or curse those who turn against Him.

If you read Psalm 29 while trying to imagine you had no prior knowledge of God, you might have made it to the second last verse of the Psalm with a very different picture of God in your mind. In verses 1-10 we get a picture of a God who is very powerful and has the power to destroy things that seem indestructible to us. We may even get the feeling that God is terrifying and unapproachable. The real gem and the beauty of Psalm 29 to me is the final verse that says, “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” This is profound! Our God, as powerful and mighty as He is, chooses to bless us, mere mortals! Our God is willing to use His amazing strength and might, not for destructive and terrifying purposes but to bless His people with “strength” and “peace”.

Expanding on this truth into the spiritual realm we can see that we serve a God who wants to give us strength and peace during the “storms” we face in our lives. When we go through illness, set-backs, persecution and struggles in our faith, we can remember that we serve the same Jesus who was able to calm the waves with just His voice saying “…Quiet, be still…” (Mk 4:39).

The next time we are caught in a powerful storm (either literal or metaphorical) I pray the words of this Psalm come to us and that we are also reminded of how God can use His amazing power to either bless us or curse us. Brothers and Sisters, we will be blessed now and for eternity if only we will turn and follow after the God of the storm.

What we don’t see behind the storms || More

What we don’t see behind the storms

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.


Matthew 8:23-27

“When upon life billows you are tempest tossed. When you are discouraged thinking all is lost, count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done…” I can imagine what Johnson Oatman Jr. saw when he wrote this hymn. Life is full of challenges and issues. The storms of life can be very devastating to man and worse, when you have no anchor to hold you in the storms of life.

The story of PI, an Indian shipwrecked boy who lost everything: family, properties and friends inspires me to write this piece. Alone at sea, his only consolation was a surviving tiger with which he shares a life boat. How terrifying and awesome some storms can be, yet God allows them to hit us so hard we can barely see anything but only that which we hold onto: Christ.

It is true that this boy did not know God the messiah as we Christians do but he believed the man up there had all the say and solutions. He knew with him on his side, he could do his best to survive with a wild tiger glaring at him as his next available meal. But God wanted more than survival for him.

And just when life was being comfortable at sea, with all that he had gathered from the stores of the life boat: food, drinks, manual for the boat, records of all that he had seen at sea, a calming yet frightening relationship with the tiger, etc., the biggest storms came, shook him from his forever happy dream and left him with nothing but a terrified and hungry tiger at the shores of an ever green carnivorous island.

Yes, I felt sad at his loss and I think I cried at the question he asked God in the moment of his storms “What more do you want from me? I have lost my family; I have lost everything, I surrender”. We all at one point in our difficult moments might have in one way or the other asked such unwarranted “stupid” and desperate questions. Even Job, David, Gideon among many others have questioned God’s plan for their lives. And we may have said “how dare them question God”? Surely they dare not question the Almighty; yet their mortal brains failed to ascertain the gravity of the questions. We are all at fault in one way or the other. I am super guilty and do not by any means justify my actions or theirs.

But I learnt something worth sharing. In the moments of our rage during the storms, we forget the one keeping eyes over us. We forget our anchor, the man in the boat with us. We need to turn and take a good look at the Master in the storms: He is so calm; he found sleep in the storms (Matthew 8:23-27). I for once always wonder how he did that and I pray for the same each day – peace and providence in the storms. That’s what the master sees behind the storms.

Pi, after crying his lungs out in the storms surrenders to the rule of him who watches over him. Holding fast to the boat plank, he found sleep in the storms and woke up to a beautiful green pasture. And though the carnivorous island was dangerous and deadly, he was able to fill his boat with all the fresh water and food enough for them to stay alive at sea.

Beloved, God is not only interested in your survival (i.e. continuous existence). He desires for you to thrive (flourish and grow well), rejoicing in his providence each day. Just imagine what the boy would have done if he had arrived at the island with a boat half full? Not only would he not have space, but will not see the essence of God’s providence and assume self-sufficiency until he died of hunger at sea and lost forever.

So next time, the good Lord finds you worthy of a storm, remember these things: He is with you and He is giving you peace and providence. Don’t lose out on your breakthrough by giving in to fear, discouragement and despair. You are more than a conqueror; for the Lord gives peace and providence with each STORM.

Give faith a fighting chance || More

Give faith a fighting chance

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (NIV) Romans 8:28

There is a saying that if problems were like shoes, immediately you remove yours, someone is ready to exchange his with yours. This African proverb means you may think you have the biggest problem until you hear someone’s problem. I had a tough first year in the university. I was miserable because I felt I had picked the most difficult course on campus. Then I was blessed to meet a church brother and a senior colleague in the same faculty. Permit me to mention his name -Mark Bekoe. Mark always wore the most infectious smile both at church and in the faculty. Mark was always smiling. Immediately you meet Mark, you will certainly have something to smile or laugh about. This kept me wondering if Mark had problems at all. Then one day, on our way back from a dinner organized by the faculty, I asked him if he had any worries? He wanted to know why I asked that question. I told him he always looked happy and I kept wondering. He laughed so long then said, he has problems of his own. He told me about some personal problems he was battling with then he added: “these and others are problems I have to deal with but I will not let those problems steal my joy away because my God will deal with them.”

After the story, I knew I had no reason at all to be miserable just because I felt the work load from my course was too much. My problem was so little compared to just a gist of Mark’s. Life burdens us with so much sometimes that we just want to give up. Am not asking you to smile when you do not want to when difficult situations arise but do not give up on the fact that all will turn out for your good. Do not let go of the faith that God will look out for your good in all situations. It is difficult, it is hard, but faith is all we have when the tough times come and we must hold on to it as tight as possible. 

Talk it over with Christ || More

Talk it over with Christ

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (NLT) Matthew 7:7

I have had the desire to write an article for quite some time and every time I take my computer to type something, I go blank. I wondered why this was happening to me. I prayed to God about it and asked for grace to do more for him each day. It was not until I heard a song which admonished that “we have a conversation with Christ in our difficult times”, that I understood the essence of my challenge. The words of the song did not come to me as a surprise but it reaffirmed that I was doing the right thing by praying to God all this while.

Most of the time, we go through a phase in life and things that happen seem to be out of the ordinary, they baffle us. In some cases, it subsides immediately when we call out to the Lord but in most cases, we find ourselves asking and asking to no avail. And we are made to believe by those around us who do not understand what God is doing that we may never receive any answer from the Lord.

Truly, there are times when some issues take a different toll. So, we find ourselves talking to God about it and he never responds. And for a moment, it feels like our critics may be right, but when we are tempted to let our hearts believe such liars or to concede defeat, our God reveals himself so mightily, all we can do is to praise him.

So, let’s keep on knocking on God’s door when all hope is lost. Let’s invite the Lord for a tête ὰ tête. Make an appointment with him; Give him a seat and talk it over with him. Don’t waste your breath making a big deal about your situation, because the Lord knows when to answer. All you need is to continuously talk it over with him. Tell yourself “maybe I wasn’t loud enough with what I told the Lord; maybe I wasn’t bold enough when I presented my case; maybe I am not being persistent; maybe I am not showing God my level of faith in his word; maybe I still doubt God’s power in quietness; just maybe, God needs to see more of what I profess each day concerning him in my life – more of JESUS and less of myself and the pleasures of the world”.

I did talk to God about my situation. I left it in his hands and today he has glorified his name with this piece which I pray blesses the many of you out there. No matter what you are going through, I want you to remember this; it will end in praise and glory to God, only when you stay true to his word as you trust him in quietness. Never fret for fear is of the evil one. He who has called us is faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:24) and he will do it so talk it over with Christ.

Encourage yourself || More

Encourage yourself

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

“David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God. (NIV) 1 Samuel 30:6

Bible Reading: Psalm 42:1-11

What is eating you up? What has your loss of job done to you? Is your business falling into the drain after taking all necessary precautions? Is there a huge problem in your marriage, that you believe there is no escape? What about your relationships? Are you depressed because you are being slandered for no reason? Or suffering because of a sin you committed?

God’s word is near us today telling us that we must encourage ourselves in the Lord. Whenever we feel depressed by the challenges of this world, we must remember the secret of David, a man after God’s heart. The Bible says, “David found strength in the Lord”. As Christians, we must develop the attitude to take advantage of the spiritual anti-depressants in Psalm 42:1-11. Our ability to question our soul, testify about God’s goodness, admonish ourselves to hope in the Lord is our sign of maturity in God, thereby making us effective for the Lord.

Whatever our problems may be, we must minister to ourselves, as David did, by personally applying the encouragement we give to others. This is what makes a Christian effective in God.

Difficulties abound in life, but take heart! (Part 2) || More

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