God dwells in that city (I)

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

"“God is our refuge and strength …Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! …God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed …Be still, and know that I am God! …I will be honoured throughout the world”.(NLT) Psalm 46

Further reading: Gen 26, Eph. 6:16

God dwells in that city!!! I kept wondering what it meant to me as an individual. What impact do we get as Christians reading this message from the Lord? Surely how many of us believe these words when the oceans really roar and the mountains tremble in our lives? How many of us have truly said “the Lord is our refuge and strength”?

It is easy to think and make striking remark that the Lord is far from being our refuge and strength when all is in chaos in our lives. From a personal experience, I find myself guilty of this wavering in faith. And I believe you can identify with this.

When this thought comes, it is important to remember that "God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed”. So no matter the turbulent storms in your house or home right now, remember who you gave your life to when you confessed to become a Christian. You were presented before the assembly of God’s firstborns when you took up the cross to follow Jesus. God is in that city and you are its light in Christ Jesus.

...to be continued

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