When meditation burns

Written by Alhassan Mohammed Sandargo.

My heart grew hot within me. While I meditated, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue. (NIV) Psalm 39:3

Bible reading: Psalm 39

The heart of man is so important and thus requires constant diligence in keeping it, for out of the heart comes the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). The Psalmist gives some intriguing phenomena right in his very heart. But in the end we shall see how common the heart of man generally is- from a Psalmist to a contemporary man today.

He begins by describing his own heart as growing hot. It appears that his heart was in a certain progressive state. At this point, we are still clueless of the point he is trying to make except for the inner maneuvers taking place in his heart. But let us gradually follow along to get the total picture.

In a quick turn, he tells of his meditation experience. Interestingly, the “hotness” in his heart could only remain just hot, but when the exercising of meditation was given attention, there was a “burning”. Like the experience with the prophet Jeremiah some years later, the Lord declared, “Is not my word like fire...?

Ultimately, the Psalmist produced amazing results with his tongue. Yes, he only spoke after exhibiting enough meditation. This kind of meditation “burns” and propels him towards achieving great outcomes (consider the lofty words of the Psalmist from 39: 4-13).

We too can fully associate ourselves with the Psalmist in the experience he has shared. Our hearts are always craving to steering towards a certain direction. But God has given us His word to serve as substrate upon which our meditation can effectively thrive. For no one comes in contact with God’s word without some impact embolden on them. Do we meditate enough till our will is fine-tuned to that of the Lord’s? Do we become a source of edification through the words we speak, after our musings? Is our inner man aroused on daily basis in advancing the course of Christ? Those and many more, are the uplifting effects of godly meditation.

May the Lord help us to equally agree with the Psalmist today through the words of the weeping prophet:

But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot (Jeremiah 20:9). Stay blessed.

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