
Who is willing to consecrate him/her self today to the Lord?

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

“For the gold work and silver work, for all the work to be done by the craftsmen. Now, who is willing to consecrate himself today to the Lord?” (NIV) 1 Chronicles 29:5

Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 29:1-9

The dictionary has about five definitions for consecrate. However, one definition caught my attention the most; “to dedicate somebody or something to a particular purpose.” So I will rephrase the topic, “who is willing to dedicate or commit him/her self today to the Lord?” Reading 1 Chronicles 29:1-9 tells the story of how King David addresses the assembly about how he is providing all his resources for the building of the Lord’s temple though Solomon was appointed by God to build His temple. After his address, he then asked the people in 1 Chronicles 29:5, “who is willing to consecrate himself today to the Lord?” This question then motivated the leaders of families, officers and commanders of the tribes of Israel as well as officials in charge of King David’s work to also give towards the work on the temple of God.

The need to consecrate ourselves to the Lord’s work is now but those of us making the call to others must first consecrate or dedicate ourselves completely so that it would be the motivation others who are not dedicated to the Lord would need to heed to this call. The only way we can dedicate ourselves completely to the Lord is by studying His Word in the bible. The bible has all it takes to know what God expects of us. The time to study the bible is now! If you need help with studying the bible, kindly contact the Daily Inspirer Team.

After King David asked to know who was willing to consecrate himself, it encouraged the others to give because they were motivated by David’s example. So today, if you are motivated by a Christian’s dedication to the Lord, don’t just feel motivated, but make a bold step of dedicating yourself to the Lord as well. Dedicate yourself through repentance, baptism and continue to study the word of God.

I believe the only sure way you can pass through the year blessed is to consecrate yourself fully to the Lord. I have made up my mind to fully dedicate myself to the Lord, what about you? God bless you.

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